Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Millennium Development Goals and Future Outlook

How is Luxembourg doing with the Millennium Development Goals set by the United Nations?
1. End Poverty and Hunger
a. Halve the proportion of people whose income is less than a $1/day
According to the World Population Data Sheet, there is no % of people
that make less than $2/day.

b. Achieve full and productive employment for all.
6.8% unemployment in 2009

c. Halve the proportion of people suffering from hunger.

2. Achieve Universal Primary Education
100% literacy rate

3. Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women
Women go to school, same as men, there have been two Grand Duchesses, 16.7%
of parliament is women.

4.Reduce Child Mortality
1.8 infant mortality rate

5.Improve Maternal Health

a. Reduce maternal mortality rate by 2/3

b. Universal access to reproductive health

6. Combat AIDS, Malaria, and other diseases

a. Halted and reversed the spread of HIV/ AIDS
0.2 % of the population is infected with HIV/AIDS

b.Universal treatment of HIV/AIDS

c.Halted and reversed the spread of malaria and other diseases

7. Ensure Environmental Stability

a.Reverse loss of environmental resources

b.Reduce biodiversity loss
CO2 emissions are 23.6 metric tons per capita

c.Halve the proportion of people without safe drinking water

d.Achieved a significant improvement in at least 100 slum dwellers

8. Develop a Global Partnership for Development

a.Develop open, non discriminatory trading and financial system

b.Address the special needs of the less developed countries

c. Make available new technologies and communications

13% of the population is AT RISK of poverty, that is they live at 60% of the median income, 15,460 EUR a year.

Potential Problems in the Future

Luxembourg is mainly urban (83%) and expected to grow about 40% by 2050. It stands to reason that most of this increase will be in urban areas so there is a risk of over crowding.

Another big problem is the CO2 emissions. For a tiny country, they produce more CO2 emissions per capita than the U.S. does. They will also have more overall pollution in the urban areas as the population increases.
The growing financial crisis that is effecting Europe is having an impact on Luxembourg's economy as well.
With 13% of the population is at risk for poverty, and 6% unemployment rate and the financial crisis, there could be serious economic problems in the future.

Most of the population growth will be from immigration and since Luxembourg is doing so well compared to the rest of the world, there may be more immigrants than predicted.

TFR is at 1.6, less than replacement level which means there will be an aging population as a potential problem.

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