Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Population, Health and Environment Data

The One Hundred Nationality Country

The population of luxembourg is about 500, 000 people, 497, 538 to be exact as of July 2010 census estimates. Out of this 500, 000, Luxembourge's great characteristic is its great capacity for integrating a large number of different nationalities. As of 2005, more than 150 different nationalities create the demographic richness of the Grand Duchy, making it one of the most diverse countries in the world!

With it having so much diversity, it shows within the population. As of 2005, its marked to be nearly 39% foreign. Dominant ethnicities responsible for the makeup of that 39% include Portugal leading at 12.8% (63,760), French 4.4% (21,880), Italian 3.8% (18.890), Belgian 3.2%(16.040) and German at 2.1% (10.320). Amazing to see so many different cultures reside in one country, and yet Luxembourg still remains with no known intercultural tensions as they all make up a great deal of the Luxembourgers world. To see that it is still considered one of the most safest places in the world is astonishing due to its high immigration.


Luxembourgs births per death per 1000 is 11 to 7, while their rate of natural increase is 0.4. Over the next 15 years, Luxembourg is expected to increase its population to 600,000 people and 700,000 by 2050. this is not a big increase, so its growth is increasing slowly but surely in this small place. A 40% projected population change between now and 2050. While the infant mortality rate (1.8) and TFR (1.6) are very close. Most countries have nearly doubled some tripled there mortality rates compared to the TFR. The population's age for <15>

Luxembourg has a life expectancy of 80 years on average of both sexes. Men 78 and women 83, this already being pretty high can and will only increase due to the global aging phenomenon currently, and with luxembourgs TFR being so low, we can only expect it to continue the lates trend to decrease, whill will yield a much older older population within the next few decades. While 83% of the country is urban, you can expect the older people to reside in these areas.

HIV/AIDS does not affect the population greatly at all. There is only 0.2% as of 2001 and 2007-2008 that has HIV/AIDS ages 15-49. It being considered safe when dealing with data electronics for other businesses and markets, it is also safe sexually not possessing many diseases at all. With so many nationalities and immigration from so many different countries, its ironic to see that the diseases associated with the 100+ nationallities that now live in Luxembourg are not associated with Luxembourg .

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